As the Winter months draw in, we will be spending less time in our gardens and outside our homes, that is why, Autumn is the perfect time to close down the garden for the winter.
At Sam's Gutters & Roofs we can help you with some of the chores that this involves.
Our Preparing for Winter Gutter & Roof Package includes the most difficult to reach tasks of the garden and home. We will cover all the high up areas that are crucial to keeping you dry.
Contact us now for your Winter Gutter & Roof Package

It would be ideal if you could, trim back any trees or bushes that are close to the house.
Removing any dead leaves, plants or debris from the garden will mean that in the times of heavy rain, ice and snow, you will reduce the chances for a nasty fall.
Look for any cracks in your external walls and repair them – at Sam's Gutters & Roofs, we may be able to help with this too.
Make sure your windows and doors are properly sealed and not letting in water or cold winds.
Taking good care of the outside of your home now, means that when the Winter really kicks in, you can stay snug and warm inside.
The technician's at Sam's Gutters & Roofs, will happily visit you and carry any any of, or all of the following services:
- Gutter Clear
- Gutter Inspection
- Gutter Repair
- Roof Clean
- Roof Inspection
- Roof Repair
- Soffit & Fascia Clean
- Soffit & Fascia Inspection
- Soffit & Fascia Repair
- Chimney Inspection
- Chimney Repair
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Always innovating, always the best, trust Sam's. Where quality is at the heart of all we bring to you.